TelSmart - Incoming / Outgoing Calls – Détails de l'incident

Tous les systèmes sont opérationnels

Incoming / Outgoing Calls

Performances dégradées
Signalé le il y a plus d’un anA duré environ 1 heure



Performances dégradées depuis 6:54 AM à 7:49 AM

Outbound calls

Performances dégradées depuis 6:54 AM à 7:49 AM

Inbound calls

Performances dégradées depuis 6:54 AM à 7:49 AM

Mises à jour
  • Résolu

    The incident has been resolved. If you encounter still issues with in/outgoing calls, just contact our Support services. Have a nice day…

  • Surveillé

    We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result.

  • Identifié

    We have located the issue and are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.

  • Détecté

    Last night we had update for several improvements on call quality. This morning at 8.27h we noticed some unexpected issues through which incoming and outgoing calls can be disturbed. Our team is working to resolve the issues with a minimum delay.